
Lori understands the challenges we face in ensuring that Nevadans receive the healthcare they deserve. To address the issues of long wait times, the all-too-common shortage of specialists, and the mental health issues that affect many of our families, Lori is committed to fighting for earnest reforms that:

  • Promote a competitive healthcare market.

  • Ensure accessible and affordable health insurance for small business owners and their employees.

  • Advocate for a state-of-the-art mental healthcare facility to serve those in crisis.

  • Advocate price transparency for medications.

  • Foster informed healthcare decision-making.

Nevada’s abortion law has been in place for over 30 years. This law allows an individual the right to decide on terminating a pregnancy within a specified timeframe by a licensed physician, subject to certain exceptions. This longstanding law can only be overturned by a vote of the people and not by the legislature.

As a teen mom who chose to raise her child amid widespread societal judgment and significant challenges, Lori’s own struggles as a teenager and a single parent have deeply impacted her compassion for women facing a pregnancy decision. Because of her personal experiences, Lori is against prosecuting or punishing women for making a personal decision as to their pregnancy.