
Several years ago, Lori turned to the Clark County School District for help with her daughter —a child struggling with severe dyslexia, other learning disorders, and having endured extensive medical procedures. Disheartened by CCSD’s dismissive and indifferent response, Lori, alongside her husband, Sig, decided to stand up for their child’s rights. In a commitment to educational justice, they took on the fifth-largest school district in the country. After seven years of unwavering perseverance, they won in federal court on every count, setting a legal precedent for holding educational institutions accountable. Although this seven-year victory came long after their daughter graduated high school, it stands as a testament to the enduring fight for student’s rights.

Now, Lori has stepped forward to run for State Senate District 11. She is committed to making positive changes in our education system that benefit all students, regardless of party lines.

Our children’s education is a shared and vital responsibility that calls for leaders willing to bridge political differences and prioritize the future of our children over political gains. Our focus should be firmly on crafting policies that bring out the very best in our schools and tap into the vast potential of our youngest generations. Lori will fight for policies that:

  • Prioritize literacy for all Nevada children.

  • Ensure that students with learning disabilities receive equal access to education and are protected under the law.

  • Prioritize the safety of students and teachers.

  • Raise teacher salaries linked to student academic improvement.

  • Advocate for innovative education, empowering teachers, and incentivizing success.

  • Expand high school student opportunities with vocational education and college-credit courses.

  • Support teachers receiving paid maternity leave just like most other businesses provide to their employees.

  • Increase academic credit for students who participate in mental health-related courses or workshops.

  • Increase awareness of SafeVoice, Hope Squad, and other peer-to-peer programs that address the mental health and overall well-being of students.

  • Increase parental choice and school-family collaboration.

  • Increase teacher and administrator accountability and training.